March 18, 1542

Hola Diary!

Now, after a long month of the construction of several floats we had completed it. During the month of May we had crossed four hundred of our men over the grand expanse of river and were able to continue the expedition, in which we kept traveling westward into vast and unknown land. At first, this seemed like a mighty hindrance and led to discouragement, but perseverance and wit led me and my men across the mighty river. We continued west, stopping in Antiamque along a river bank, where we endured a long and harsh winter. With the death of Ortiz that had plagued us the finding of food, direction and communication on the whole presented much more of a difficult duty. After winter passed, the expedition continued west and we encountered more natives who called themselves the Tula. They were by far the most skillful, dangerous and aggressive we had seen and we tried to stay as far as we could away without causing a disturbance. Many tribes gathered in this area for the peaceful hot springs, they were at peace with each other and we had stayed just long enough to claim this land for Spain. After, finding nothing of solid worth we turned back towards the grand and mighty river as what I decided to call the Mississippi River.