October 20, 1540

Hola Diary!

Through the long, grueling hot months my men and I have been exploring, and only to encounter failure so far, and conflict with the natives. As we were traveling towards our ships, we encountered a group of natives who were located on the banks of a river in Mabila, we engaged in conflict, leading to a devastating thirty deaths of my honored men and one hundred and fifty wounded and the death of forty of our loyal horses. We were not going to give up without retaliation for this ambush.
We gathered together and attacked and burned the city causing damage on the natives under the Chief Tuscaloosa. Yet, due to the wounds that my men had acquired through this battle we stayed close by Mabila (for one moon-cycle) and healed the wounded and then headed out northwards. Though we won this conflict we do not have many of our possessions left over, for if I want to continue this exploration I cannot let my ships get word of our condition, therefore with the future of this expedition in mind I have concluded to lead my men away from the coast and ships and winter away from them until, my men and I regain our strength, and can continue the journey.