March 7, 1540

Hola Diary!

After the first day and landing at what I like to call Espiritu Santo and naming possession of this country, we have been on this unexplored land for several months now, and my men and I have been fruitless in the search for our desire of silver and gold but I will not give up. Our boats have been sent back to Cuba due to the fact that I am still positive that we will be striking fortune. After spending the winter months at the capital of Apalachen; Anhaica, and thriving off of corn and natural crops of the land, we are refreshed and ready to move on with our journey.
My men and I have progressed and moved onwards, traveling northeast “towards the sun’s rising” for that is where we have heard our fortune can be found. This land we were told by an Indian boy, Perico that it was located on another sea. After encountering many aggressive and unpleasant natives through our exploration, we have stumbled upon a friendly native who was willing to give us anything we desired, yet still no gold. We had even rescued Ortiz; a Spaniard who was a member of the previous expedition led by Panfilo de Narvaez, who we could now use a translator. Hopefully, these encounters would bring some luck to our exploration.